+30 Physical ATK
+15% Physical PEN
Unique: +50% Damage to Monsters.
Unique Passive-Breakout: For each 10s, hero's next Basic Attack will deal extra 50 points of True Damage at least (increases with hero level) and slow enemies by 30%. Lasts 1s. Performing Basic Attacks will reduce its cooldown.
Unique Passive-Greed: Gain extra 30% EXP when jungling. After killing Creeps, recovers HP by 4% and Mana by 10%.
Unique Passive-Gorge: Kill creeps to increase DMG by 0.5%. Up to 15 layers.
Unique Passive: Makes the Battle Spell 'Retribution' applicable to heroes, reducing the target's movement speed by 70% (effect decays over 3s) and reducing target's Magic Defense. Buying other advanced jungling equipment will disable this effect..